QI for Prevention and recovery
Medical Qi Gong as taught in the lineage of Grand Master Hong Liu works with the same meridians (energy lines), points and energy centers as acupuncture without needles, to enhance physical vitality and overall well-being. A deep level of understanding and healing can be achieved through this therapy. A “Qi treatment” incorporates massage and energy techniques to regulate the flow of bio-electromagnetic energy in the body. The result of this work is direct communication with the energetic, physical, and emotional bodies of the animal being. It is the oldest of the five branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The goal of a qi treatment is to correct bio-energetic imbalances and restore the flow of energy through the body’s energy channels, cells, tissues, and organs. This strengthening of energy flow enhances healing potential and increases physical vitality and mental and emotional balance. Qi also affects the muscles, skin and bones that are found along these energy pathways. Qi can be directed into specifIc areas of the horse’s body to support recovery from injury or illness as a potent adjunct to conventional veterinary care.
* Medical Qi Gong is not veterinary medicine and does not take the place of veterinary care. “Qi” sessions are available for animals as preventative care or that are currently under veterinary care or have been recently diagnosed by a veterinarian.
* Medical Qi Gong is not veterinary medicine and does not take the place of veterinary care. “Qi” sessions are available for animals as preventative care or that are currently under veterinary care or have been recently diagnosed by a veterinarian.
The Benefits of balanced QI
Medical Qi Gong Provides healing potential without side effects.
Medical Qi Gong can aid in injury recovery, chronic illness, and conditions that are not responding to traditional veterinary care alone. Qi sessions support the body's capacity toward health and longevity. Ultimately, the body’s own innate capacity to heal determines how it responds to disease, injury, and stress. It is this same innate potential that determines whether or not the body responds to any external treatment, medication or procedure. Qi positively affects the being’s innate capacity to heal without side effects. It addresses the root cause of illness as well the symptoms. The most complete care system utilizes the best and most current practices of conventional veterinary medicine in conjunction with the most potent forms of natural healing and alternative medicine. In this way, the body, mind and spirit are considered in equal measure in the healing process. Therein lies the broader definition of health and vitality that all beings, human or animal, have the ability to achieve.
The benefits of balanced Qi
The benefits of balanced Qi
- Increased energy, improved appetite and the senses may become more keen
- Nervous system regulation
- Improved immune function
- Promotes circulation
- Eases pain and lessens the anxiety felt around pain, provides comfort
- Warms and nourishes tendons, ligaments, and muscles
- Strengthens organs and connective tissue
- Potent adjunct therapy to support conventional veterinary medicine
- Can provide a peaceful end of life transition
What happens during a Qi session
A “Qi session” consists of the practitioner first sensing and then directly influencing the Qi of another being. The treatment begins with recognizing Qi imbalances and blockages through a Qi assessment. This involves observing the energy patterns around the surface of the body and then running the hands over the channels, or meridians, to determine specific information about their state. These meridians are found close to the surface of the body on the limbs and flow deeper within the trunk of the body to the internal organs. The meridians are the pathways that Qi moves through. Throughout the assessment, information about the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the horse are intuited. Next, the Qi imbalance is corrected through the appropriate technique. A purging technique is used to cleanse and purify the body's energetic fields and to remove pathogenic, toxic, or stagnant Qi. A tonifying technique is used to emit healthy Qi into deficient areas and recharge the body. A regulation technique is used to balance the Qi in order to promote a healthy, unobstructed flow of life force energy in the body. When Qi imbalances are corrected, innate healing potential is initiated. Sometimes the change is immediate. Chronic conditions may require additional treatment and time.
About my Master:
grand master hong liu
Grand Master Hong Liu is an internationally renowned Master in the healing art of Medical Qi Gong for over four decades. Following three of China’s most renowned and powerful Qi Gong masters, he perpetuates a powerful lineage that bridges western medical science and natural healing. Trained as both a Medical Doctor and Master of Oriental Medicine in China, Master Hong is an adjunct associate professor with the Department of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the University of Hawaii and has worked with the National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Cancer Institute on the herbal treatment of cancer. For his pioneering cancer research, humanitarian healing programs, community outreach and tireless devotion to teaching people how to heal themselves, he has been proclaimed a Living Treasure in his homeland of China, and in the state of Hawai’i. Master Hong is the President of the Natural Healing Research Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization.
defining energy medicine
In order to understand Chinese Energetic Medicine, it is important to first understand the concept of energy medicine and its potency in the medical paradigm today. "Energy Medicine has been defined as a branch of integrative medicine that, whether through human touch or device-based, uses known subtle energy fields to therapeutically assess and treat energetic imbalances, bringing the body's systems back into homeostasis(balance). Knowledge of the human/animal energy field is the first step to understanding integral physiology, which unites body, mind, and spirit to treat the entire being-not just the physiology." Continue reading this article by Christina L Ross, PhD, BCPP here.